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.I hope to complete it this afternoon, he added pointedly. And when I ve questioned you, I promise to receive your questionsin turn.Tomorrow, if you d like.Now, was your lunch adequate?She looked curiously at him. More than adequate. Good.And I believe no ale or wine or spirits were served? Nothing stronger than a tea of some sort. Fine.Have you relieved yourself since eating? Just before I came here.What.? When we ve begun, it s much better if no interruption is necessary.Now.Do you have anything on your mind? Anything pressing?Page 73 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.htmlShe peered at him quizzically. Right now I want very much to know what you regoing to do. Good.Let s find out.Start of interrogation. He said the latter as if itwere a formal opening. First we need to find your memories and open them to recall.Think of themas being buried.Deeply.Deeply.You ll need to go deeply to seethem.Imagine they re so deep, you can only get to them by a deep spiralstaircase, going down and down.She recognized hypnotism; she used it herself.But she relaxed, letting ithappen, letting his voice take her more and more deeply.In time she woke up groggy, remembering nothing. Thank you, Varia,A duaill said,  welcome to the waking world.We did well; you ve been veryhelpful.Now, look around the room and tell me something you like.I don t remember a thing, she thought.She was not muzzy, butdisoriented.A duaill repeated himself. Look around the room and tell mesomething you like.She scanned slowly, noticing what was there. That rug on the wall, she said,gesturing.She hadn t noticed it when she d sat down;preoccupied, she told herself. It s quite handsome. Ah yes, said A duaill. Look around and tell me something elseyou like. Hmm! The carving? Sculpture? She pointed. The dwarf on the shelf. Either term is appropriate.It s carved soapstone.Tell me somethingelse you like.She looked and frowned. In that glass pitcher.Is that ice?He laughed. From our own pond.It s cut each winter and stored ina deep bed of sphagnum moss, in an ice house built of logs.In our northernclimate, it lasts from year to year.Varia frowned.Ice wouldn t last in that pitcher very long. I didn t noticeit before. How long had it been? At least an hour, she decided.Surely thatlong.A duaill smiled. It wasn t there when you came in.When we finished, Iallowed you to rest a few minutes; to  settle out as we say, before I broughtyou back to the present.I had it delivered then.It s a bit after supper, butcook will have something for you.He knows we re done; he sent the ice.He held up a bottle. Would you like some wine poured over it? There are thosewho consider that barbaric, but I like it, and the Cyncaidh does too.After supper!? They d begun shortly after lunch! She accepted the offer.He poured her only a little, perhaps three ounces.It was as goodasSister-made, she thought, pink and dry, at the edge of sweet.What had heasked? What had she said? The scribe was gone, but presumably he dwritten it down, or the gist of it.She doubted anyone could write fast enoughto make a verbatim record.When she d finished her wine, A duaill led her to the dining room and left herwith the second steward.There she discovered she felt more thanhungry.She felt empty! Neither Cyncaidh nor Mariil had eaten withthe soldiers; they came in now to eat with her.To the detriment ofconversation, she ate like Will after a winter day in the loggingwoods.And when she finished, felt desperately sleepy, despite havingslept, or at least lain unconscious, all afternoon.Something in the wine?A serving girl led her to her room.She was too groggy to bathe.Fifteenminutes after eating, she was in her bed asleep, leaving her clothes for thegirl to hang up.She slept till well after sunup.The first part of the night hadPage 74 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.htmlnot been restful.She d dreamed strong unpleasant dreams that broughther half awake repeatedly, only to slip back into continuations.The Tigerbarracks had been part of it.And a troll, stalking her babies; when she ranto rescue them, the troll turned into Sarkia, who smiled a loving smile andturned her into a frog.Then Cyncaidh had ridden up and cast a spell thatturned her not into a woman again, but into a woman-sized frog.Hetried several spells, and she grew larger and smaller but remained afrog.Finally he kissed her and said he loved her, and that he dtake her home with him even if she was a frog.She recalled being reunited with Curtis, too, only to find that the body ontop of her was Xader [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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    A przecież wtedy (podczas rewolucji) ton nadawały miernoty, a nie porządni ludzie. Borys Pasternak
    Jak dużo trzeba wiedzieć, żeby się dowiedzieć jak mało się wie.
    Hic spinas colligit, ille rosas - ten zbiera kolce, a tamten róże.
    Gdyby na wielkim świecie zabrakło uśmiechu dziecka, byłoby ciemno i mroczno, ciemniej i mroczniej niż podczas nocy bezgwiezdnej i bezksiężycowej - mimo wszystkich słońc, gwiazd i sztucznych reflektorów. Ten jeden mały uśmiech rozwidnia życie. Julian Ejsmond (1892-1930)

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